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Friction also drives up the company's costs for handling the resulting, non-valuable contacts.


Competition for customers is more intense than ever! Even the slightest inconvenience in the customer experience can make the difference between a successful conversion and a lost customer.

The goal is clear: frictionless experiences reduce costs, increase sales and create loyal fans. Because the products and services work in such a way that customers never have to contact you for the wrong reasons.

Competition for customers is more intense than ever! Even the slightest inconvenience in the customer experience can make the difference between a successful conversion and a lost customer.

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Friction also drives up the company's costs for handling the resulting, non-valuable contacts.

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The goal is clear: frictionless experiences reduce costs, increase sales and create loyal fans. Because the products and services work in such a way that customers never have to contact you for the wrong reasons.

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become frictionless

Our efficient approach for smooth customer experiences

In three stages, a scalable and efficient process is created on the job that demonstrably reduces contacts, increases customer loyalty and boosts customer value through frictionless and digital customer experiences.


Create transparency

In the first step, you need a valid foundation for the selection of measures. No matter how big or small you are. Our foundation always consists of 

  • a customer-centric intent structure
  • baseline quatification of the core intents
  • transparency about the size of the optimization potential (eliminate, digitize, simplify, intensify)


Get started & implement measures

The task now is to identify the root causes of prioritized requests and successfully implement solutions. Ownership, shared goals and collaboration play an important role.

  • in-depth root cause analysis for prioritized core customer intents
  • solution partnerships with business owners and shared goals
  • objective prioritization of CX measures
  • review of the effectiveness of CX measures based on contact rates.


Expand & stabilize

Now that the effectiveness of the approach has been objectively measured, it is time to consolidate the approach and establish governance.

  • continuous evaluation of new CX insights
  • prioritization & control of further CX measures through CX governance
  • regular evaluations and CX reports

To optimally support our become frictionless approach, we have incorporated our experience over the years into the development of our SaaS solution WOCAS®. Today, our software perfectly supports the entire process as a workflow, communication and analysis tool.

We offer various ways to implement our become frictionless approach:

We do it together
We do it for you

Should you decide to seek support:
Our consulting services can be used as modules - both individually and in addition to each other. Click on the following buttons to find out more about our three core topics.

We will be happy to advise you and discuss together which option is best suited to your situation. Just get in touch with us!

Insight into past projects...

Discover the opportunities that WOCAS offers to you:

After contact analyses: introduction of a Test & Learn Lab

With over 6 million customers, congstar is one of the leading mobile phone providers in Germany. Its guiding principle "For more fairness" stands for customer orientation and is reflected in flexible tariff models and annual rewards for loyal customers.

Two WOCAS contact assessments 5 years apart showed a reduction in the contact rate (annual customer contacts per contract) of more than 40% in total.

Inspired by this great result and with further insights and next steps in mind, congstar founded a new initiative with the help of WOCAS: the Test & Learn Lab.

A specially assembled team of service employees working together with process managers in an agile manner

  • delivers targeted insights with deep dive analyses
  • tests new procedures or special offers directly in the call
  • obtains direct customer feedback on digitalization and activation potential
  • measures success and use best practices to prepare the roll-out in the company.

How does WOCAS provide support?

  • Our WOCAS experts help with consulting & coaching in the conception and organization of the analyses and provide impulses for further test topics & next steps.
  • The data on the topics is recorded in a structured way in our WOCAS® application and evaluated using the various reporting functions.
  • The flexible configuration options for contact recording and survey design in WOCAS® help here.

The laboratory has become firmly established in the company and is very popular. Business units request relevant analyses and incorporate the results into their roadmaps. With this step, congstar has created an instrument for continuously increasing customer centricity, which also contributes to the consolidation of the corporate philosophy.

Improving the customer experience around complex surety insurance products at R+V

As the largest surety insurer in Germany, R+V serves corporate and private customers extremely successfully. The company sees itself as a service insurer and has been pursuing the motto "Growth through change" since 2016. Particularly in the area of complex products, such as surety insurance, there are numerous questions about processes and products.

Almost 10,000 telephone customer contacts in the area of bank loans were analyzed, which were received by the R+V Service Center. These, as well as over 200 reports from Service Center employees on recurring customer problems, were to form the basis for

  • the analysis, identification and evaluation of specific fields of action to eliminate customer-unfriendly contact occasions
  • and highlighting automation potential for R+V Self Service.

The extensive sample of analyzed customer contacts provided quantified, detailed insights into the experiences of customers in contact with R+V for the first time. Essential questions were examined: Do our customers understand our products? What services and benefits do they want? Which processes are considered complicated? The service employees were also given a voice - because in addition to technical issues, operational weaknesses in the work processes were also considered.

The insights gained with WOCAS® support the bank credit division in its plans to become even more customer-oriented, to develop surety insurance products in a more customer-centric way, to simplify processes and to inspire with first-class service.

Customer journey mapping at eprimo

eprimo is a German electricity and gas provider. The company specifically targets price-performance-conscious customers and, in addition to lean processes, focuses above all on excellent service quality.

The collaboration between WOCAS and eprimo began with a contact assessment lasting several weeks. By evaluating service contacts, it was possible to reliably identify clear and prioritized fields of action for improving the customer experience.

A few months later, a WOCAS®-based customer journey analysis was carried out to support a strategic focus on the customer. Employees from all eprimo departments that have a direct influence on the customer experience came together with experts from WOCAS to put themselves in the customer's shoes. By visualizing all customer processes in the life cycle, a comprehensive and eprimo-specific "Customer Process Map" was gradually created.

This also allowed the fields of action gained from the contact assessment to be assigned to the various phases and interactions in the customer life cycle. For the first time, this provided eprimo with an overall view of the end-to-end experience of its customers, as well as pain points and opportunities.

The customer journey mapping provided the ideal basis for developing the company towards even greater customer orientation and an attractive offering for digital customer management. WOCAS provided initial support and set up the operational setup by imparting CX knowledge and methodology.

The example of eprimo shows how much can be achieved through consistent customer orientation and the use of WOCAS® as a holistic solution. Last but not least, various awards that eprimo has received for good service and customer satisfaction show that the company has taken the right path.

1 Gothaer
Contact assessment at Gothaer

With its comprehensive range of products for private and business customers, Gothaer is one of the largest insurance groups in Germany. The Group attaches great importance to acting in the interests of the customer and making all insurance matters as valuable and simple as possible for the customer.

Gothaer's customer service team already has a deep understanding of the structure and causes of written customer contacts. However, the same overview of telephone contacts was previously lacking. The WOCAS project was therefore largely determined by the need for transparency regarding the concerns of callers to the Gothaer customer hotline.

The aim of the project was to use WOCAS® to...

  • analyze the concerns and drivers of telephone customer inquiries
  • identify potential for eliminating contact causes that are of no value to either the customer or Gothaer
  • identify concrete approaches for converting telephone contacts into self-service offers.

Die During the seven-week contact assessment, WOCAS® was used to record and evaluate over 10,000 contacts in two insurance lines. This sample size and the in-depth derivation of fields of action enabled a unique combination of quantitative and qualitative customer insight analysis.

The analysis provided a very deep understanding of the possibilities and limitations of activating customers to use self-service. In addition, the assignment of contact reasons to the various life phases of insurance customers revealed detailed areas where action was needed for key interactions between Gothaer and its customers.

The findings and optimization potential from the contact assessment were passed on to the organization for implementation at the end of the project. Overall, the project made a significant contribution to Gothaer's successful transformation towards greater customer orientation and the expansion of cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Contact assessment as baseline and performance measurement

With over 6 million customers, congstar is one of the leading mobile phone providers in Germany. Its guiding principle "For more fairness" stands for customer orientation and is reflected in flexible tariff models and annual rewards for loyal customers.

In order to get a clear picture of the needs of its customers and at the same time reduce contact volumes, congstar first carried out a baseline measurement with the help of a WOCAS contact assessment. Around 10,000 service contacts from telephony, email and chat and a survey on self-service usage provided the insights needed to

  • identify the immense potential for digitalization and specify the expansion of the digital offering.
  • understand when and in what form customers can be activated for self-service.
  • provide fields of action for completely avoidable contacts.

Over the next five years, congstar focused on the issues identified - with success. A new WOCAS contact assessment showed great developments in annual customer contacts per contract: the contact rate fell by 40% overall, and by as much as 57% in the area of avoidable contacts.

The digitalization area achieved a 36% reduction in the contact rate, while still providing further insights for further optimization.

With a self-service rate of 80% of all customer interactions and a general contact rate of 0.34 annual contacts per contract, congstar delivers an above-average result within the telecommunications industry. Nevertheless, they continue to work on taking customer orientation one step further. WOCAS is happy to continue supporting them on their way.

WOCAS at Vodafone Germany

Vodafone is one of the leading integrated telecommunications companies and relies on WOCAS® in various international markets.

This is how Vodafone Germany worked with WOCAS®: Around 60 customer advisors recorded their observations in every contact and thus collected valuable information for the company. Together with the WOCAS analysts, the collected insights were continuously analyzed and optimization potentials were derived. This collaboration resulted in the identification of over 500 specific areas for action and the implementation of numerous measures to improve customer service. Avoidable customer problems and unnecessary contacts were reduced and process quality increased. As a result, WOCAS® significantly reduced costs, and also the satisfaction of Vodafone customers increased noticeably.

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Detailed contact assessment of various areas of the R+V Service Center

With more than eight million customers, R+V is one of the largest insurers in Germany. The company sees itself as a service insurer and has been pursuing the motto "Growth through change" since 2016. The topics of digitalization and customer enthusiasm are at the top of the list.

R+V's customer service, the R+V Service Center, puts this motto into practice every day. A contact assessment was carried out here for the third time. As customer needs differ depending on the insurance sector, three consecutive projects were carried out in different areas. This provided the ideal opportunity to uncover targeted optimization potential for the individual areas and compare them with each other.

In particular, the potential found for digitalization struck a chord with R+V: Working groups that had already been formed were able to use the findings from the project to revise online services in a targeted manner.

The 8,000-13,000 documented customer contacts and up to 200 reports on recurring customer problems provided a view through the eyes of the customer. In addition, the service employees were also given a voice - because in addition to technical issues, operational weaknesses in the work processes were also considered.

The insights gained with WOCAS® support R+V in its efforts to develop products in a more customer-centric way, to simplify complicated processes and to inspire with first-class service.

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We'll make sure it's a perfect fit for you. We look forward to hearing about your challenges and finding out together how WOCAS can help you!